- An elephant chunking a big deuce in the middle of the playground while kids are around.
- "Mommy Mommy an elephant took a dump the size of children, Five minutes ago in the Playgound" D:"....Son just slap yourself..." >.>
- Two tight pussies sleeping with each other in a motel room in the middle of the winter. Awww :3
- Kid: "Those cats were sore from sleeping together last night snugly in there beds".
Mom: "Why what did they do"
Kid: "Mom go out more sheesh"
Kid: "Mom go out more sheesh"
- "OMG Honey that child is being attacked by flying rats" "That is what happens when you're in New York-_-"
- "Poor child he was killed by rats in the city" "What are you talking about the cast of Sex and the City"
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